The African continent, with its population of just over 1 billion people, is a rising star among the continents of the world. GRA Mission Squad Global through the missionary endeavors of our Bible teachers, healthcare workers, business people, and school teachers is shining the light of Christ in countries with limited access in Northern Africa. At some point in time, our veterinary doctors have been very helpful in taking care of cattle from Fulani cattle herders and Toposa tribal people who can be seen walking in the big cities of Africa. We share the gospel of Jesus Christ through several ministries, in many African countries by prayer. Indeed, Africa is a dynamic and fruitful region already ripe for the harvest, but we need more laborers for this harvest.
Our medical ministries, literacy programs, and radio programs have been a great tool to reaching the least reached African people with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As the world invests in Africa financially, our prayer is that God’s people will send business people, Bible teachers, healthcare workers, school teachers and many more people with a heart to help the people of Africa know Christ as Savior.
North Africa is part of the 10/40 Window, which bears the world’s greatest physical and spiritual needs. Along with Central and Southeast Asia, it holds two-thirds of the world’s population and contains the world’s most unreached people groups. Countries in this area of the world desperately need Christians to come and live life among them to demonstrate the greatness of our God. The vast majority of Muslims here are under an incredible misunderstanding of Christianity. Many have lived in poverty and broken relationships for centuries.
Near the birthplace of the world’s three monotheistic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Christianity makes up the smallest group, representing only about two percent of the population in parts of this region. In some countries, nearly 100 percent of the population claim to be Muslim. A growing number of immigrants and refugees make up a considerable part of the population. Recent revolutions and continued political struggles have led to open doors and opportunities to serve. Droughts, famine, and unrest have exacted an immense price on many people in North Africa. Many are desperately searching for what will bring them peace, hope, and truth. God sees their searching hearts and is revealing Himself in miraculous ways. Healthcare represents a major need in third-world countries, and North Africa is no different. We thank the Lord that, clinical and palliative-care programs are meeting significant needs and opening doors for redemptive relationships.
Christians are a small minority in these countries, but the need for servant-leaders who take the time to learn the language and culture, make it their goal to live and work side by side while helping to strengthen existing churches, is a need everywhere.
Is God calling you to use your passion and skills to join us in reaching the people of Africa? We’d love to get to know you and discuss how God will use your skill on the harvest mission field. Please click below.